
Select the event you would like to run in

Run For Cyrenians



[email protected]

At Cyrenians, we tackle the causes and consequences of homelessness. We walk alongside those who seek our support – never leading, but lending a hand when times get difficult to help people realise their potential and lead valued and fulfilling lives. Whether that’s helping them access additional support, accommodation, health services, food, company, education, employment - we have the skills to make it happen. Learn more about how we help through the services we offer.

By participating in the EMF with Cyrenians, you are helping us support people on their journey toward more positive and stable futures.

When you run with us, you will receive:

  • A Cyrenians running vest
  • The Cyrenians resource pack, full of tips and tricks to support you through your training, race preparation, and spreading the word about your race
  • A friendly team on hand to help you with your fundraising
  • A team of fellow Cyrenians supporters to run with!


If you have any questions, or are concerned about the registration fee or minimum sponsorship requirements, please get in touch!